Haven’t heard of Kefir? Try it. You’ll like it.

One of the best means of staying well is to support a healthy microbiome, microorganisms that aid digestion and the creation and transfer of nutrients the body requires for optimal performance.

And one of the best ways to support a healthy microbiome is to drink kefir, an ancient probiotic drink you can make at home.

Kefir is a nutrient-rich result of fermentation of dairy or non-dairy milk using “kefir grains”. These precious grains contain yeast and good bacteria that convert lactose into lactic acid. In just 24 hours, two tablespoons of kefir grains convert 16-32 ounces of milk into the end product. The result is a creamy beverage with  the consistency of a liquid yogurt. But unlike liquid yogurts on the market, Kefir includes three times the beneficial probiotics and is more versatile. Kefir from dairy milk fermentation also provides protein, calcium, magnesium, potassium, vitamin B12, folate (B9), riboflavin (B2), and vitamin D.

Similar to yogurt, kefir has a slightly sour taste on its own. But the addition of llinea monk fruit drops (12-24 depending on sweetness preference) creates a smooth pleasant taste, especially when berries are added to kefir. 

Kefir’s versatility makes daily use convenient and interesting: Preparation before and after fermentation takes just a few minutes; it can be used as the liquid for a veggie and/or fruit smoothie, for uncooked oats, or a creamy citrus drink of kefir blended with whole oranges, among many other healthy, delicious uses.

The grains multiply over time which makes it easy to share kefir benefits with friends and neighbors. Three of my neighbors are making kefir using grains that “grew” from my original two tablespoons. They love it and feel its use has improved their health.

Interested in trying kefir? Check out these sources for purchasing kefir grains, nutritional information and use suggestions, and more information on the benefits of kefir:

To purchase kefir grains


Kefir nutritional information, uses, recipes


Benefits of kefir



Llinea Monk Fruit